Italian alphabet and pronunciation; Nouns, gender and number; Personal pronouns; Present tense of regular verbs (1st, 2nd, 3rd conjugation); Irregular verbs: essere, stare, avere, fare; indefinite and definite articles; Adjectives; Prepositions a, in, di.
Vocabulary and Communication skills:
Greetings and introductions; Addressing people formally/informally; Asking people how they are doing; Thanking and apologizing; Express our physical and emotional state of being; Asking and replying simple conversational questions such as “where are you from? / where do you live? / what do you do for a living? What do you do in your free time?”, etc.; Ordering at the bar; Expressing preferences; Numbers 1 to 100.
IACE’s classes are modeled on the communicative approach, a learner-centered method which aims at giving students the skills to be able to communicate under various circumstances.
Grammar elements are analyzed with an inductive method, which allows students to learn by grasping concepts through a bottom-up process.
Teaching Materials
Tuition includes the textbook Dieci A1 by Alma Edizioni) (digital for online classes and hard copy for in-person classes) and all the teaching materials provided by the teacher.