In Collaboration With

In Collaboration With

B1 Syllabus

Syllabus Level


The B1 level is divided into five sequential classes:

B1.1 – B1.2 – B1.3 – B1.4 – B1.5


Each class lasts for 10 weeks. Upon completion of the five B1 classes, students can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken and produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

B1.1 Syllabus


Comparisons using tanto… quanto and che
Relative pronoun il quale
Trapassato prossimo (Past perfect)
More uses of Passato prossimo
Verbs and combined pronouns
The construction Basta + infinitive
Verb dovere for making suppositions
Connecting sentences: uses of bensì, oppure,
precisamente, tra l’altro

Communication skills:

Talking about movies
Writing a short script
Talking about TV shows
Talking about events happened further back in the past
Making suppositions
Asking for clarifications
Filing a complaint
Asking for assistance on a phone line

B1.2 Syllabus


Subjunctive: present tense of regular and irregular verbs
Subjunctive: opinions and wishes
The expression secondo me + indicativo
Adjective buono before the noun
Adjectives povero, grande, nuovo, vecchio
Asking politely: interrogative sentences
Pronominal verbs: andarsene
Impersonal constructions: ci si; 3a persona plurale;
si+passato prossimo
Emphasis through repetition

Communication skills:

Talking about hopes and wishes
Expressing opinions
Talking about advantages and disadvantages
Asking for and giving advice
Expressing skepticism
Describing and comparing images
How to avoid talking about unpleasant or taboo
Talking about religion in Italy
How to summarize
Expressing shock, surprise, irritation

B1.3 Syllabus


Subjunctive: past tense
Subjunctive: imperfect tense 
Proprio: adjective and adverb
Magari + subjunctive imperfect
Prima che + subjunctive
Anche se + indicative
Sebbene, nonostante, benché + subjunctive
Hypothetical clause: 1st and 2nd type
Come se + subjunctive

Communication skills:

Expressing opinions about books and novels
Talking about reading habits
Making suppositions about past events
Expressing disappointment
Expressing gratitude
Talking about environmental policies
Making different types of hypothesis
Arguing your point of view

B1.4 Syllabus


Passive construction with essere and venire
Indefinite qualunque
Prefixes dis-; s-; in-
Causal clauses with dato che / poiché
A meno che / a condizione che + subjunctive
Indefinite tenses: gerund
Gerund and pronouns
Adjectives formation with –abile /-ibile
Possessive cui

Communication skills:

Talking about issues of city living
How to mediate a conversation
Talking about causes and limitations
How to convince or dissuade
Commenting on look and appearance
Talking about design objects
Creating a slogan
Understanding the formation of derived words
Describing the Italian language
Ordering an aperitivo Italian style

B1.5 Syllabus


Future perfect simple (futuro anteriore)
Appena / dopo che + future
Noun alterations: –ino; -etto; -one; -accio; -uccio
Indirect interrogative clause
Past conditional
Implicit clauses: present participle
Penso che vs Penso di

Communication skills:

Talking about events that will happen in the future
Describing your studies and exams
Writing a resume and have a job interview
Talking about different workplaces
Asking for and giving confirmation
Talking about regrets
Talking about art and asking for assistance in a museum