Present tense of –ire verbs
Irregular verbs: andare, venire
Modal verb dovere
Adverbs and frequency expressions
Simple prepositions di, a, da, in, con, su, per, tra, fra
Compound prepositions
Present tens of reflexive verbs
Vocabulary and Communication skills
Describing living spaces
Vocabulary useful in a hotel
Asking and giving directions
Asking and telling the time
Talking about daily routines
Ordinal numbers 1 st -10 th
IACE’s classes are modeled on the communicative approach, a learner-centered method which aims at giving students the skills to be able to communicate under various circumstances.
Grammar elements are analyzed with an inductive method, which allows students to learn by grasping concepts through a bottom-up process.
Teaching Materials
Tuition includes the textbook Dieci A1 by Alma Edizioni) (digital for online classes and hard copy for in-person classes) and all the teaching materials provided by the teacher.